Dear LinkedIn. Why I need not to depend on one platform as a writer…

3 min readApr 9, 2024


Dear LinkedIn,

I started using LinkedIn as a platform in 2012.

You guys have been asking me to verify. I tried to verify, and you asked me for NFC. My ID card doesn’t have NFC.

Later again you asked to verify if I am human by positioning objects. And I uploaded my ID card at the same time, and you told me that my account has been restricted.

I logged a call to you guys on 19th January 2024. It took almost 4 days or more for the issue to be resolved.

What exactly was the issue here? You guys didn’t reveal it. Just for you to show me links to community guidelines and tips on making use of your platform. Of all the offences stated in those links which one should I say applies to me?

Your restricting my account had an impact on my profile and my activities.

Do you use AI or humans to flag issues or what?

I am not truly impressed by the way your support team responded to my query. Someone using first person pronouns to resolve my issue as if I have a personal issue with your team member. If there is something I have done wrong, I think you should call my attention to it.

My attention has shifted from your platform, just within how many days that you locked or log me out?

You guys taught me a lesson and an eye-opener that one shouldn’t depend on one platform, especially for writers like me.

I have been able to move some of my content out of LinkedIn and see if I can try another platform where I would be more appreciated.

I keep asking is that someone has reported my profile wrongly. Do you expect me to know all my connections? People send connection requests to me from outside my country or within my country if they feel that my content is interesting and perhaps, they like my profile.

I was even expecting a complaint from the content that I posted like articles. But that wasn’t even stated as part of the reason why you restricted my account. I have my writing style and I don’t expect to sound like someone else.

As it stands, I don’t even know what to do on LinkedIn. Since your support team said they are giving me a last warning. I don’t know which post to like or comment on.

I think you guys should probe further into things and call the individual profile owners’ attention if you see something that is going against your guidelines. And with evidence.

Do you know how many people bear similar names as mine on this platform?

I have submitted my National ID and International passport for you to verify me. Still, my profile is showing get verified.

I am not truly happy with this recent experience.

I come to this platform to apply for jobs, post, and share content. People come to my DM, and I respond to them.

You have the power to do and undo. It is your platform. I am just a user of your platform.

