Dreams, Ideas and Thinking

4 min readJun 17, 2022


Dreams, Ideas and Thinking

by Ajala Abiodun. Dream Builders Organization.

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Dream according to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary has been defined “as a wish to have or be something especially one that seems difficult to achieve”. This definition is however adequate and appropriate for our purposes.

The successful life begins with a Dream. Every business, schools, institution, and NGOs are a dream someone made happen.

A great life always begins with a great dream. Dreams can be seen as potential. Each persons have several talents. A key to the good life is selecting and developing ones’ best talent. A path to a sad life is doing something we know is wrong. The best decision is the one you can get out of your mind. An idea that never leaves you, a cause or a purpose that absorbs you, an obsession. That one thing you must do is your ideal dream seed.

“A lot of dreams have died in the commentary” said Abike Dabiri. Such dreams died or wasted because when the person was alive, he or she has nobody to build him or her towards achieving his or her dreams. Also, he or she doesn’t know what it takes to go after the dream and so on.

If I were to ask you “where is the richest place in the world? I am sure that some would say the Victoria Garden City, Canada or Lekki and so on. But all these are wrong. The richest place in the world is the graveyard! In it lies all the great people that had great idea (dream) that would have made them wealthy and change the lives of people. But they listened instead to some negative person who used the word “I can’t” and they believe them. Then they took those great ideas with them to the grave! Their best invention…undone! Their best book…unwritten! Their storytelling…untold! Their content…not share! Their best speech…ungiven! Why? Because they listened to some negative person who used the word “can’t”. My fellow Dream Builders Team. Let us bring out the stuffs in us and do not take it to the grave! He who has a dream is fit to live and he is successful if he can work towards the actualization.

The fact that we have a lot of tasks (a bigger one) ahead of us. I mean our Magazine in 3 months’ time seem difficult but we strongly have the dream that it is possible. Because we are dream builders and not dream busters. Dream busters would always tell you it is impossible. Fellow Dream Builders we have to change the dream busters and help people to create, then develop their own dreams by giving them high level of confidence.

Dreams begins when we started framing what the future looks like, wheat we want in life, our choice of car, where we would spend the rest of our life and life styles inclusive.

I remember many years in my primary school days. We were asked by our teacher; what we would like to become in the future? Some said a doctor. Others would say a banker. All these are incredible and to do the incredible, you must dream the impossible and after you dream the impossible you must get motivated and make things happen.

Your dream is what you are doing right now. Because what you are doing determine today determine what your tomorrow would be. The kind of books you read, the people you walk with and the thought you have all determined the actualization of that dreams. In a simple sense, the future is now!

Dream cannot be postponed. Many of us have gotten an idea to do things that can benefit humanity or people. But we postponed it that till have convenient time. That is procrastination.

Ideas are like breeze; they come and go. Dream builders believe in dream come true. And we are ready to go after it now.

When I grow up I would I would like to buy a car or own a stock. After graduating I would like to own a small business. These are not statements of dream. They are wishes. Do wishes come true?

We are living in a generation where people are making it regardless of age or location. Let us develop a dream that would bring out the potential or the potential in us. The future is not something to be waited for. The future is now.

My fellow Dream Builders Organization, Dreams cost us nothing but ideas and ideas cost us nothing but thinking. Dreams, Ideas and Thinking are from God.

Robert Schuller put it as “Dream come out of the mind of God”

Your dream will come true.

You will succeed.

Written by Ajala Abiodun

Public Relations Executive, Dream Builders Organization (NGO)

University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.

Originally titled Dreams.

Copyright reserved © 2006

