Why Good People Don’t Last in an Organization. The Story of System of Work in Nigeria.

4 min readJan 19, 2022


Why Good People Don’t Last in an Organization.

The Employee Life Cycle is stated. The routine in which we work in a company has a starting point and expiry date.

Relationship runs with quality can make difference in the way we view things. And what happen if human relationship is not going the way it is expected? There would be need to address it.

Business owners in Nigeria and some other part of the Nations can keep an employee to work for years. They keep this employee without plan of giving him or her a better career path.

Good people work tirelessly in Banks, Telecom and some other sectors in this country. And they end up being betrayed by their employers and or contractors. Look at the way bankers spend so much on suit? The job was very demanding. Their spent is always higher than income.

“You see this relationship would need to seize. We are not making head way. Can I pay you off? So that you too can start an organize life? Because we need to be concern about each other’s happiness. There is no point being in business if one side is the one getting happy at the expense of the other person”.

What would it take business owners to tell his or her manager that time is up? Nigerian small business owners play trick on small issue. I have served you for a long time. Why not just pay me off instead of trying to be childish by giving conditions that doesn’t fit a corporate entity?

There are noticeable signs we see that some of us tend to ignore while working in the corporate world. Your company has your strength value in their archive. The moment they feel they have used you up to their satisfaction they would start looking for fault in the way you work. Many of us do not capitalize on those signs. They look like nothing. But I must tell you that there is no smoke without fire. If you like confide on people in the system, they would still deal with you. They would stab you at the back and they would claim they are not looking.

See, we have been there before. You cannot work for capitalist or technocrat for long. Their aim is always on how they would use you, cheat on you and then dump y0u. They have less knowledge of enterprise. But they have backings of the multinationals.

When you are working in companies especially in a country like ours. Have it in mind that nothing last forever. Work like everyday is your last day. Expect the worst that could come from it. And ensure you have less expectation. Many companies here are scam. Full of fake contract. They have less regard for law. They only use power, politics and force. That’s why you see that many of the companies cannot compete well with those one in abroad.

Do not over stay your welcome. Learn to leave the table when hatred is being served. If not this Cabal in our organization would wash you. They would molest you. They would ridicule you. They would rubbish you.

The crazy things multinational companies do in this country are always easy to overlook. They have no respect for people as they claimed in their company’s diary and corporate website. Their mission and vision statements weren’t true. They leave managing of business affair to the few that control the crowd.

It always about gang and grouping. They use grouping to force people out of the system of work.

A company that truly needs you would do everything possible to keep you. The one that doesn’t would start to bring issues there and there. Those issues would like a mere test. They would offer you things that they know that on a good day you wouldn’t accept. They can demote you of your managerial position and give it to some informal group candidates who took part in the heavy grapevine backbiting in your organization.

Everybody nurtures ambition in a company. Including your closest staff. Those that you delegated work to. Those you have put through engagement. They only believe in the loose/win strategy. That someone must loose for them to win.

Are you still confuse whether to quit or not? Why not just pack your bag and call it quit?

If you do not leave the toxic work, the toxic would leave you one day. And what if they sack you when you don’t expect?

The Movie at the Back Ends

The Senior Managers in companies are those that send 2 lines of mail and earn hugely. Part of what they use the money for is to sponsor crisis in most of our organizations.

You have spent years on this job. The more you stay there the more they would feel you do not have a place to go.

The more you stay the more they feel threatening.

Some companies as big as they are in size don’t really need someone that is Professional and Brilliant to work with. What they need is someone with average thinking. Someone they can easily direct in an act. Funny enough those guys are brainy in the act of manipulation and putting hand in dirty things. This is Africa.

People in the system cheat a lot. But don’t dare cheat on them.

The nature of work needed to be arranged.

To be continue…

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